Sunday, September 23, 2007

There is that television ad that goes something like “life comes at you fast”. I don’t even know what or who it is an ad for but the saying has a lot of truth to it. It has been some time since my last post. That isn’t because nothing has been happening, but rather because so much has been going on in my life that I just haven’t been able to write. As busy as it’s been it has been all good.
My oldest daughter, Amy, bought her first house and got possession about 4 weeks ago. It was/is a real fixer-upper with tons of work needed. She and I and many other kind helpers have spent countless hours there already trying to make it into a nice little home for Amy. We have come a long way but have a long way and many hours of work to go yet before she can move in.
Also I have been blessed to be able to spend time with a beautiful, young lady that God have brought into my life. Many of you have met her. It is so thrilling to be building our relationship and looking to the future with excitement.
Life does come at us fast, in waves. The trick somehow is to stay up on the surf board and ride the waves, that’s when life’s fun. When we fall off and start getting overwhelmed by the waves, that’s when life is tough.
Truth remains: God is good and His mercies endure forever.