Thursday, February 01, 2007


You know how certain events or days on the calendar trigger memories of the past? This week the Super Bowl, of all things, has triggered memories for me.

Carol had always been a bit of a football fan. She mostly would tolerate it, but did have a tiny bit of interest whether she would admit it or not. So, when Super Bowl time came along, for years we would invite somebody, friends or family, to watch it with us. She/we would prepare lots of food, dips, etc, and we would have a grand old time even if the game was a stinker.

Two years ago, we decided to visit her Mom and Dad at their “winter” condo in Texas. For several years they have been going to Port Aransas in southern Texas. It is right on the Gulf of Mexico and is “muy hermoso”. This was the first trip we had taken “sans” children. We had a great time. What does that have to do with football and the Super Bowl? Well, we left snowy Grand Rapids on the Saturday before “Super Bowl Sunday”. We arrived to warm breezes and palm trees. On Sunday we went to one of the local churches and explored the town and the beach and then settled in to watch the “big game”. I really don’t even remember which teams were playing; I just remember thinking how fantastic it was to be sitting in a condo on the Gulf of Mexico, watching the Super Bowl, at the beginning of a great vacation. That’s why my memory of that vacation was triggered again this week.

Fast forward one year. Last year the Super Bowl triggered a lot of melancholy feelings because we weren’t in Texas. Each day was an anniversary of the great time we had while there. Sunday was the Super Bowl. Monday was the trip into Mexico. Tuesday was the trip to San Antonio (my favorite), and so on. Each day I was stuck at my desk daydreaming about the previous year and the great time we had.

Now fast forward one more year, this year. Some of those same feelings have been triggered by this “Super Bowl Week”. I’ve been thinking about the week in Texas and so many other great vacations that we have enjoyed. I’m missing them. I’m thinking they’re over. I know there will be others (the kids and I even went on one this past summer) but they are only shadows of the good times we had as a whole family.
Now my thoughts are not merely about missing the trip, the great times and the beautiful sights, now there are about missing the reason I wanted to go in the first place. Carol and I looked so forward to many trips we could take together. We would talk about possible destinations. Thinking about going somewhere together was great “day dream therapy” for me. Now if I allow my mind to wonder it definitely is not dreamy.

I never want to forget the years we spent together. “They” say the time will come when I will remember good times with fondness and not be struck by the pain. I can honestly say that maybe I have moved that direction a little bit. After nine months, though, I know I have a long way to go. Times like this can still be overwhelming.

If you’re a football fan, enjoy the “big game”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.