Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised." Job 1:21b

Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away. This will be the second Thanksgiving holiday without Carol. I remember last year when there was still a lot of pain and hurt. I remember the praise band rehearsal at church the Wed night before. The kids and I were all there and I couldn’t help but think, with deep sadness, about Carol not being there. She had played the piano for our Thanksgiving service for several years. Again it just seemed so wrong to me that she was not there. This was just the first of the “big three” holidays that our family would have to “survive” (that word again).
This year, again, the four of us will be at the rehearsal Wednesday night. I will be thinking about Carol and I still think it is wrong that she will not be there, but by God’s grace, I have accepted her absence. God has given a large measure of healing to me and the kids also, I pray. God has continued to rebuild our lives. I have much to be THANKFUL for.
I remember one of the stories a friend told me the day of Carol’s death. His brother had been killed in a car accident. He remembered their Pastors visit and his Father saying “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away”. My friend said he will always remember what the Pastor said, “but do remember the second part of that verse? ‘Blessed be the name of the Lord’. Can you say that part as well?” I have to say it took me a while before I could add that second line. Our church sings a beautiful praise song with those very words in it. It was a long time before I could sing it without tears.
This life continues to be full of good gifts and abundant blessings! They are all around if we will slow down and notice. Take some time this year to note them with appreciation. Particularly your loved ones who will not always be with you.

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